
Okaju Company 岡重さん

"Founded in 1855 in Muromachi, Kyoto, as a dyeing and processing business for traditional Japanese clothing. Throughout the years, we have constantly pursued innovation while embracing creativity that transcends the boundaries of industry. With the hope of enriching lives with beauty and creativity, Okaju will continue to explore the possibilities of Kyoto Yuzen further.” 「1855年、京都室町にて和装呉服の染色加工業者として創業。時代、時代で常に新しい物作りを探究すると同時に、業種の垣根に囚われない創造力で今日まで来ております。皆様の美と創造の暮らしを願って、岡重は京友禅の可能性を更に探究します」 https://www.okaju.com/  ホームページより As the successor of Okaju Co., Ltd., there is a family motto that says, 'Do not pick up the brush yourself.' This is because if you do, you will become a craftsman rather than a merchant. It reflects a deep respect for the artisans. 株式会社岡重を継ぐ者として、「自分で筆をもつな」という家訓があるそうです。これは自分で筆を持つと、商人ではなく職人になってしまうからであるとのことです。職人さんへのリスペクトで溢れています。 Regarding the costumes for the Miyako Odori Since the first Miyako Odori (held in April), the company has been in charge of crea...

Iwai Dyeing Workshop 岩井染工さん

Takaaki Iwai is the fifth-generation young master of Iwai Dye Works. He has been involved in the family business for five years. 岩井隆明さんは岩井染工の5代目の若旦那。 家業に入って、5年目とのことです。 The company was founded in the early Meiji period. For over a hundred years, it has specialized in dyeing kimonos using the kata yuzen technique. Each piece is meticulously handcrafted using traditional dyeing methods passed down through generations. The high quality, beauty, and rarity that come from this craftsmanship are what make our products so appealing. Iwai Dye Works aims to create high-quality products that leverage our long-cultivated experience and sensibilities. 「創業明治初期… 100年以上に渡り「型友禅」に特化して着物を染めてきました。 当時から受け継がれてきた染め方で一点一点、丁寧に手作業で制作しています。 手仕事ゆえのクオリティの高さ、美しさ、そして希少さ。 岩井染工は長年培われてきた経験と感性を生かした上質な製品作りを目指しています。」 https://iwai-senkou.com/ ホームページより The dye-making area is separate from the kata yuzen area. This is to prevent any dye from splashing onto the fabric during the dye-making process, which would r...